
  1. It should be accompanied by a requisition with at least two patient identifiers. 
  2. The biopsy is submitted in a formalin jar.
  3. The formalin jar should bear the same identifiers as on requisition.
  4. It is then submitted in double compartment biohazard bag
  5. Both the formalin jar and the bag properly sealed
  6. Then call for a pick up by calling 5163077411
  7. If you need the supplies, like formalin jars, requisitions etc. please let the lab know.


       1. Brushing

​              a. Make a smear of the specimen

              b. Air dry it.

              c. Put two identifiers

              d. Fill up a requisition form

              e. Put the slide in slide holders

              f.  Put the slide in the biohazard bag

              g. Then call for a pick up by calling 5163077411

              h. If you need the supplies, like formalin jars, requisitions etc. please let the lab know.

        2.   Others

              a. Please call the lab for details.


Specimen Submission

Call Us:  (516)-270-7675